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Welcome to the Charles Reinhart Company, Steve Peterson

We are delighted to welcome Steve Peterson to the Charles Reinhart Company, Realtors

Peterson, Steve

Steve Peterson was born in Ann Arbor and grew up in Saline. After a brief time in Peace Corp-style cross-cultural missions, Steve and his wife Terri moved to the Detroit area where they were involved in inner city outreach and ministry for over a decade. Steve and his family moved back to Saline at the end of 2010.
Since 2002 Steve Peterson has marketed health insurance to business owners and decision makers. During his career he consistently exceeded production quotas and won many national and state awards. He spent four years in management and developed his own marketing strategy, receiving approval from compliance departments and leaders.
Steve is working out of the East Office– 2452 East Stadium – and can be reached at 313-999-7096 or by email at [email protected].
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